
Q. What is Oculoplasty?

A. Oculoplasty/ Oculoplastic surgery meaning in the broadest term refers to cosmetic, functional, and reconstructive surgery of the eye, its surrounding structure, and bone. These structures include eyelids, tear ducts, orbital tissue, and orbital bony socket.

Q. Who is an Oculoplasty Doctor or Oculoplastic Surgeon?

A. An Oculoplasty doctor or Oculoplastic surgeon is a highly trained surgeon who has undergone extensive training specifically in Ophthalmic and facial plastic surgery after completing his/her post-graduation in ophthalmology.

The surgeon is trained to treat and perform surgeries for cosmetic and functional maladies associated with the eyes and face, covering the area around the eyes, eyelids, forehead, brows, and mid-face.

Q. What are the Oculoplasty Surgeries?


  • Droopy Eyelid Surgery (Ptosis Surgery)
  • Eyelid Turning Repair (Ectropion or Entropion)
  • Eyelid Retraction Surgery
  • Chalazion (Stye)
  • Tear Duct Blockage Surery (DCR)
  • Eye Removal Surgery (Evisceration/ Enucleation/ Exenteration)
  • Twitchy eyelids (Blepharospam)
  • Eyelid Reconstruction


  • Eyebrow Lift (Forehead Lift)
  • Bulky Eyelids Repair (Blepharoplasty)
  • Lower Lid eye bags repair (Blepharoplasty)
  • Mid-face lift or cheek augmentation
  • Bulging eyes surgery (Orbital Decompression)
  • Socket Reconstruction
  • Surface Reconstruction (AMG/ MMG)

                 Fillers / Botox

  • Droopy Eyelid Surgery (Ptosis Correction Surgery) Ptosis is referred to as the condition where there is drooping of the upper eyelid either hindering the vision or making it an aesthetic blemish. It can either be there since birth or can develop later in life. The surgery involves repairing the eyelid lifting muscles. The before and after ptosis surgery effect is highly noticeable and usually is a scar-free surgery.
  • Eyelid Turning Repair (Ectropion or Entropion) Ectropion is the outward turning of the eyelid which causes excessive tearing or watering whereas Entropion is the inward turning of the eyelid which can cause eyelash rubbing over the cornea leading to pain, foreign body sensation, drop in vision, and watering. Both maladies can be corrected by eyelid surgery via the scar-free procedure.
  • Eyelid Retraction Surgery Eyelid Retraction is the condition where the eyelid is positioned beyond the normal resting position of the eyelid causing exposure of the white sclera above and/or below the cornea leading to the eye appearing bigger in size and pseudo-bulging appearance. It mostly occurs in thyroid eye disease or after facial paralysis. This also can be corrected by surgical procedure or fillers injection.
  • Chalazion (Stye) Chalazion is a slow-growing, inflammatory lesion in the eyelid due to the blockage of the oily ducts of the eyelids. It can be treated initially by conservative management, if failed it can be subjected to steroid injection or incision and curettage in later cases.
  • Tear Duct Blockage Surgery (DCR) Tear Duct Blockage is a disease where the tear drainage system gets blocked leading to excessive tearing. It can be surgically corrected by the method of DCR surgery creating a new passage for drainage if needed.
  • Eye Removal Surgery (Evisceration/ Enucleation/ Exenteration) – In rare cases, when the eye gets completely infected or infiltrated by the tumor leading to the guarded survival prognosis may necessitate the removal of eye contents or eyeball completely.
  • Twitchy eyelids (Blepharospasm) – Blepharospasm is the condition where the patient suffers from involuntary, rhythmic closure of the eyelids, hampering daily routine activities.
  • Eyelid Reconstruction – It can involve the reconstruction of the eyelid either partially or completely using the graft, or flap.
  • Orbital Fractures – In case of severe trauma to the eye may cause orbital bones to fracture which can lead to protrusion of the eyeball, sinking of the eyeball, double vision, or syncope.
  • Eyebrow Lift (Forehead Lift) – Brow Ptosis is very common with increasing age wherein the eyebrow starts drooping. It is usually associated with ptosis. It can be corrected surgically depending on the severity.
  • Bulky Eyelids Repair (Blepharoplasty) – Blepharoplasty is the surgery to trim down the excess skin and bulkiness of the eyelids and give them a better younger look. This condition usually happens due to excessive skin, and weak eyelid muscle with increasing age.
  • Lower Lid eye bags repair (Blepharoplasty) – Lower eyelid bags is the condition where the fat prolapsed outwards due to weakening of the muscles or excessive skin tissue growth with aging. It can be either corrected with fillers in early cases with cheek augmentation or prolapsed fat can be sculpted surgically to give a better and younger appearance
  • Mid-face lift or cheek augmentation – With increasing age, the mid-face skin and muscles tend to droop. This can be corrected either by filler augmentation, mid-face thread lift, or surgically in advanced cases.
  • Bulging eye surgery (Orbital Decompression) – In cases of thyroid eye diseases, patients end up with bulging eyeballs giving them staring and angry looks. It also hinders sometimes closure of the eyelids during sleep which may affect the cornea and henceforth the vision of the patient. This is surgically corrected by decompressing the socket and reducing the pressure on the eyeball
  • Socket Reconstruction – In cases of patients who have undergone eyeball removal or have very small eyeballs since birth, can be corrected either by an implant or a graft depending on the severity
  • Surface Reconstruction – In cases of chemical injury of the eye, fibrosis, and contracture on the surface of the eyeball can occur leading to dryness, the incomplete opening of eyelids, double vision, and loss of vision. These patients can be treated with grafts (Amniotic membrane graft or mucous membrane graft) and/or anti-fibrotic injections.
  • Dark Circles, Sunken Eyes – With the increasing work stress and age, dark circles or sunken eyes have become quite common, it can very well be taken care of by the fillers
  • Crow’s Feet, Frown lines – Let not have those fine wrinkles around the corner of your eyes or on the forehead define your age when they can be easily taken care of by the anti wrinkling treatment. An advanced anti wrinkling treatment can help you hold to your youth.


Q. What is the cost of Oculoplasty Surgery?

A. The cost of oculoplasty surgeries varies depending on the diagnosis and condition of the patient. For more information, you can connect with our experts.

       Don’t Let Age Define You